Friday, February 15, 2013

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Asked to Shut Down Judicial "Ethics" Offices

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo has been formally requested to immediately shut down the offices of The Commission on Judicial Conduct (the "CJC"), the state agency charged with overseeing the ethics of all judges in the Empire State.  The request comes from a public integrity group after confirmation that the CJC has been involved in illegally wiretapping and other illegal  "black bag operations" for years.
Governor Cuomo is asked to send New York State Troopers to close and secure the state's three judicial ethics offices: the main office on the 12th floor at 61 Broadway in Manhattan, the capital office in Albany at the Corning Tower in the Empire State Plaza, and the northwest regional office at 400 Andrews Street in Rochester. 
The Governor is asked to telephone the Assistant United States Attorney who is overseeing the millions of items of evidence, most of which that has been secreted from the public- and the governor- by a federal court order.  
Governor Cuomo was provided with the direct telephone number of the involved federal prosecutor, and simply requested to confirm that evidence exists that certain state employees in New York's so-called judicial "ethics" committee illegally wiretapped state judges.  
The request to the governor will be posted at later today.  (Media inquiries can be made to 202-374-3680.)


  1. It's about friggin' time something get done!

  2. Mike Ventre, Senator John J. Bonacic

    I have gone to every Office of Court Administration and Library as instructed by the Warren County Court Clerk's Office. The APPEAL that was filed and the TRANSMISSION of the Record for appeal along with THE APPEAL ITSELF has been requested for many many months. The ILLEGAL FORECLOSURE and the Faked and Altered and Fraudulent Lien and Loan Papers of Arthur Greenberg Were FAKED and ALTERED. The reality is the greatly delayed payment or consideration for the Foreclosure Sale vitiated that sale as allowing a bidding Months to pay is simply unconscionable and improper. The payment for the sale was NOT required the Day of The Sale as should have been the case. My Father and His Mother as well as My Brother Clifford has gone to the sale to bid themselves and or redeem the property for cash. Instead My Father was arrested and jailled. I want the entire Appellate Record THE APPEAL ITSELF and all records regarding My father being JAILLED that day.

    This is a Federal Freedom of Information Act and a FOIL Demand as well as a Report Of Judicial Corruption. Your copy of my correspondence with ms Vogel in the Warren County Court's Office is below.

    Thank You

    Dear Ms. Vogel,

    I am needing a Copy of the Final Judgement or Final Order of Foreclosure and the Notice of Appeal which would have been filed by Attoreny John Hall, Sr (The Late Judge John Hall ) and the Determination of That Appeal as decided by the Appeals Court.

    Additionally Clifford Witham was arrested and Jailed at the Foreclosure Sale on January 12th or so 1970. I am needing the Charges and The Final Adjudication regarding that arrest and incarceration. It should be in the Docket File for the Date of the Foreclosure Possibly as a Docket Margin Entry made by the Judge or Clerk.

    I am needing the APPEAL that was filed produced and the Appellate Court's Full Records

    In connection with this Seizure and Sale of My Families Marina The East Shores Harbour ..... the Payment for the Foreclosure Bid was NOT paid for MONTHS after the Sale and That is SIMPLY improper and very unlawful.

    Thank You

    Judson Witham

    Respond In Writing Only.

    Clifford B. Witham II and Anita F. Witham. Index # 13876 commenced July 18, 1969 with Arthur R. Greenberg as ptf vs. Clifford B Witham and Anita Witham, et al as def.

    The docket card lists a number of documents filed, including a notice of appeal on June 24, 1971, followed by ref report 5/31/73, order and aff of serv of notice of motion.

    I am needing the Appelate Decision or Ruling / Action on the Appeal. I need the records of the action taken by the Appeals Court Thank You
