Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Insider Says NY State Officials Briefed on Judicial Corruption Indictments

BREAKING NEWS: A New York State Court administrative insider says that top state officials have been briefed by the feds on pending federal corruption indictments that will include New York state court employees....
And late this morning, a Washington, D.C. source confirmed the information, adding that the target of one federal corruption indictment will include at least one sitting New York State judge and other individuals- all with ties to major banks....... CHECK BACK FOR UPDATES........


  1. Well it's about F*&KING time !

    The lesson here is that there is indeed a God- She's just really slow.

  2. I am so disgusted over the fact that Andrew Cuomo has done absolutely nothing about the corruption in the judiciary. I hate myself for voting for him. I will NEVER again vote for Andrew Cuomo and I will actively campaign against him for whatever he runs for. He should resign.

  3. And what about our lovely U.S. Senators? They're quite silent on all the public corruption in New York. And these are our leaders? Disgraceful.

  4. From my lips to God's ears...

    please, please, please let the corruption queen of evil be arrested and jailed first, her Dishonor Laura Drager...hope she bawled at the funeral this week...and one more thing God...please let Lauara Drager be raped savagely in jail as she routinely does to women and kids and live to have it happen by the biggest bulldyke again the next day...

  5. It should be fun to see how this plays out. Cuomo has his head in the sand, though he mumbles about how great everything is in his commercials. Meanwhile, Lippman, Silver, Lopez, Sampson- and countless other state leaders- keep outdoing each other in making asses out of themselves and the citizens of NY. Let's get some honorable people back in charge. How about Eliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner?

  6. ONLY ONE JUDGE!!! I'm shocked!!! Now lets see who the 'poor' slob is!!! Is it a Supreme or is it a Surrogate Judge??? My money (no pun intented) is for a Surrogage Judge since that 's where the money is!!!

  7. How many years will this "briefing" go on? There was no "briefing" when the "Feds" took down Spitzer? And what came of that? How many families and children will continue to be harmed while this "briefing" goes on? Will it be as long as the so called Indictments out of Westchester ( several years now )? And why no main stream media press?
