Thursday, November 28, 2013

Give Thanks: Days are Numbered for "Ethics" Disgrace Roy Reardon

Corrupt Ethics Chairman Roy L. Reardon, 84, Being Replaced in 34 Days
     There’s another reason to be appreciative this Thanksgiving Day.  The long-time hack and Chairman of the New York State Court’s First Department’s make-believe attorney ethics department, the Departmental Disciplinary Committee (the “DDC”), Roy L. Reardon of Simpson Thacher will be replaced on January 1, 2014.  
     No announcement has been made as to who will become the next attorney ethics chief white-washer.  In theory, the Presiding Judge of the 1st Department, Luis A. Gonzalez, chooses a new chairman; in practice, corrupt insiders direct who will next fill the roll of Chairman of the DDC.
     Roy Reardon, who replaced Paul J. Curran, has presided over the continuing-troubled “ethics” group charged with monitoring attorney ethics.  Instead, Reardon protected guilty insiders, and destroyed others who were not in the club.  
     Mr. Reardon was formally accused of the widespread covering-up of serious ethics complaints by attorneys who conduct business in the Bronx and Manhattan, according to a source close to his Lexington Avenue law firm. 
     Reardon, of Simpson Thacher and Bartlett, was once regarded as a gentlemen with high ethical standards but, according to the source, "he sold his soul." The source says many workers were furious that Reardon personally allowed crimes by connected attorneys to be swept under the rug. "This animal [Reardon] has a blind eye toward sexual assaults upon woman by New York Lawyers, and he has even blanket free passes to any attorney who is politically connected."
     Reardon was also accused of covering for corrupt Judicial Ethics Chief Counsel Robert Tembeckjian and Alan Friedberg, who was appointed chief counsel of the DDC by Lippman at the same time Reardon was appointed.
     Mr. Reardon joined Simpson Thacher in 1954 after graduating St.John’s Law School, and was appointed Chairman of the DDC in December of 2007 by then-presiding 1st Department Presiding Justice Jonathan Lippman.  Jonathan Lippman called Reardon a “stellar appointee” adding, “Roy L. Reardon brings to his new role invaluable credibility and expertise as well as more than five decades experience as a litigator, arbitrator and mediator. The range and depth of his experience gained during his distinguished legal career make him the ideal candidate for this position and the court is so pleased that he has accepted this appointment. He has been a stalwart on the DDC for many years and I am certain that under his leadership, the Committee will continue to thrive.” 


  1. Ask Roy Reardon how many lawyers from his (Simpson Thacher) or his wife's law firms (Milberg Weiss and Allen & Overy) have been disciplined. (Mrs. Reardon is also Patricia Hynes) I have more information to provide but have to get back to the good-tasting turkey.

  2. I have personally dealt with Reardon in his capacity as Chairman of the DDC. He did an excellent job at pretending to care, but in the end, he knew all along that our complaint was going to be whitewashed and that no investigation was going to take place into allegations of unethical conduct engaged in by the various attorneys complained of. Due to the widespread corruption throughout our judicial system, the people need to start having a say in who gets elected to these key positions pertaining to attorney and judicial "ethics." If Reardon is replaced with another guy similar to Reardon, what does it all matter?

  3. Why are they hiding the fact that Ernest Collazo is the new DDC Chairman?
